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Thursday 13 February 19h-20h

Jérémy Chevalier

Spirale Névrose


Lo-Fi Absurditites

Presented in the form of a performance, Spirale névrose brings together various aural experiments, texts and sound poetry. Using loudspeakers broadcasting recorded voices, I explore the repetition of language, the absurdity of communication and the power that comes with being a speaker.


Jérémy Chevalier (1983, Ambilly, France) lives and works in Geneva.
He graduated from the Haute école d'art et de design (HEAD) in 2007.
He was awarded the Bourses déliées in 2008, and his work has been represented by the Skopia gallery in Geneva since 2013. His work is often shown in Switzerland and elsewhere, including in Japan and China in 2014, at Lieu Unique in Nantes in 2015, and in Lithuania in 2017. In June 2018 he took part in the Motonomy China tour with Julie Semoroz, with whom he collaborates regularly. In a new personal exhibition in 2018 he presents the performance Chaosphonies which will subsequently be shown at the Festival de la Cité in Lausanne, as well as at the Belluard Bollwerk International in Fribourg. For the last 2 years he has been interested in the world of popular science, producing Version Bêta in 2019 at the Centre Culturel des Grottes in Geneva, and Release Candidate in 2020, which he will present at the Théâtre du Grütli during the GO GO GO festival. In the same year, he was awarded the FCAC (Aide à la production en vidéo et arts numériques) for a series of videos entitled Science Tragique. He was awarded the Commun 2021 artistic research grant, with which he collaborated on his first film l'expérience de marconi. Since 2020 he has also been developing Spirale névrose, a project combining music and sound poetry. His work is presented at the Archipel 2023 festival, where he presents pieces based on field recording.